Saturday, March 3, 2012

Cross-stitch Part 8

Back to Cross-stitch that I have been doing since. This time, I finished part 8 and still a lot of parts to go. I spend a lot of time on cross-stitch more than anything. Someday, I just cannot stop and some day, I do stop because I need to finish my errands and also look for job. So I had limited myself to do 2 to 3 hours of cross-stitch. Because it is take a lot of focus on it. Sometime, I forgot to drink to keep myself hydrated. So it is kind of hard to do those things, I might think that I might have to take a break for a while and find other things to do.

I have another hobby that I do as well. I do the scrapbook. Right now, I have this huge project that I have been doing since last January. It was my Ireland trip scrapbook. The reason why this project is huge because I have 40 pages to do. Mostly, the scrapbook are 20 pages, but it is 10 page but if you use both side so it is more. So it is huge project and it will take a while because I need to print pictures, get supplies to decorated around it, and also have to make the plan by where to put the pictures in the scrapbook. But someday, I will share with you with all of the scrapbook that I have created.

I am sure you remember about the part 7 in other blog, that I told you that it was unfinished because I was not able to find the floss that I need. However, it was done as well. Here is finished Part 7

Here is the cross-stitch part 8

Here is the Part 1 to 8 as all together...

There will be more to come...

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